University Access Scholarships - Funding Bright Futures

Dublin City University (DCU) has been a pioneer of the university access program model, and as the largest program of its kind in Ireland, it supports nearly 1,200 students in an academic year.

Access Programs are vital in making third level education attainable to talented students from socio-economically disadvantaged backgrounds, and provide a range of personal, financial and academic support to enable students to thrive and excel in their studies. Propelled by the generous contributions of our members, the Partnership proudly supports access programs across the island of Ireland.

These scholarships have an immediate and transformative impact on the lives of students.

Access scholarships target historically underrepresented student populations, guaranteeing that modern Irish universities have a student body that is as richly diverse as the country itself. Most of these disadvantaged students would not be able to attend college without financial support, so Partnership grants are crucial in ensuring equal opportunity for all Irish students to receive a college education. University Access Programs also provide vital counseling services and tutoring to help students acclimate once they get to school.

By investing in the next generation of students, the Irish American Partnership, with your support, hopes to create a more equitable society where students of all ages and backgrounds can achieve their full potential.

Jamie, a third year student in BSc Applied Physics in 2021/22, had a passion for science growing up but was unsure about how to take the leap to third level education, “I always had a passion for science and I knew that if I wanted to work in the field, I would need to go to university. My parents supported me and my dream, but they didn’t really know much about how to apply.”

The Program’s study supports were beneficial to Jamie, “In first year when I was struggling with a module, they provided tutorials, which was the help I needed to succeed.” Going above and beyond throughout his degree, Jamie undertook an internship with The University of Kansas.

“The support of the Access Program has been vital to my success at university. It enabled me to study my passion for research and realize that I love coming up against obstacles and problem-solving.”

After his degree, Jamie plans to pursue a PhD, a testament to the incredible power of the Access Program in empowering students to study even beyond undergraduate degrees if they so please.

Your support helped DCU graduate Victoria O’Toole achieve a degree in Law and Society, and Victoria has since gone on to achieve a postgraduate degree from Queen’s University Belfast.

“I was never really aware of the social divide in Ireland until I got to secondary school. I’m the youngest of four children. Sadly, my dad passed a few years ago, leaving my mam to look after myself and my siblings on a widower’s pension.

After struggling at secondary school, I was so happy to receive an offer from the DCU Access Program to study my dream course, Law and Society.”

“None of this would be possible without your support. I am eternally grateful for the opportunities the partnership and DCU have opened up for me in life.”

Empowered by the scholarship and other supports offered to first-generation students by DCU which have allowed him to integrate into the university community, Sean Trimble is thriving in the classroom and on the field. A talented footballer, Sean balances his coursework and a part-time job helping his dad at a factory with soccer training and matches. DCU is already opening doors for Sean, who proudly represented his school and Ireland at the World University Games in Italy this past summer.

“You have helped to change my future and also inspired me to help others and give back to my community. I hope that one day, I will be able to help others to achieve their goals as your supporters have helped me achieve mine.”

For more information, to make a gift or create a scholarship for an Access Program student at any university across Ireland, please contact Clodagh Boyle.